Friday, August 18, 2006

Yoga, Dancing & Harbour Seals

I love Yoga! Yoga is awesome. It took me a long time to get over the stigma of yoga only being for hippies. Actually, I give Asher all the credit for my starting Yoga. After my C-section I was desperate to regain some connection with my body. For years I have been trying to convince Carl of the wonderfulness of yoga, to no gain. He's seen some more acrobatic or painful poses that I have tried and wants nothing to do with it.

Today I found this page through CBC and I'm tellin' all you geeks out there, man or woman, that yoga can help your poor geeked out bodies!

Check out Yoga for Geeks. This will save so many people from the pains of being hunched over computers for far too many hours.

On another note, Asher wowed us today at her Musical Theatre class, where she and her classmates performed a dance routine to 'Splish Splash'. Between falling off of her bucket (a prop) and lifting her dress over her head a few times she totally charmed her audience in a way only Asher can. When she fell off the bucket she looked the audience of family members, threw up her hands and said “what's happening with these buckets”? Hilarious to me, I guess.

Asher's Performance of 'Splish Splash' – the group had to restart due to technical difficulties in the beginning of the movie. Don't worry, they work it out!

After her class we walked in the park and a totally amazing scene unfolded. Our attention was draw by an eagle swooping down to the shore of Puntledge River and feasting on something the crows had found. Then another eagle arrived. All this unfolded about 100 feet from a bustling park and rec centre. Then, as we watched we noticed a harbour seal and her young one making they're way up the river. What a cool scene. This was my first time seeing a seal in the river.

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