Thursday, August 17, 2006

Summer Comes to an End

What an interesting summer it has been.

At the beginning of this summer my family
found itself in Cumberland. What a cool little community. So far, I think our favorite thing has been going for long walks to pick up dinner at the butcher, bread at the bakery, hit the waterpark and pick up a movie on the way home. All within several blocks! This definatley beats Nanaimo's rolling hills and heavy traffic.

We managed to house-sit instead of vacation. This worked out really well as we are totally broke! Besides, I have decided that housesitting is like vacationing at B&B's only smarter because it is free.

Qualicum Beach we stayed a couple blocks from the beach. There were many gorgeous walks and new discoveries as Asher and I found out at low tide. Asher really loved the big blue chair off the kitchen where she enjoyed watching Treehouse (we don't have cable at home so she capitalizes on other's TV's).

From Qualicum Beach we headed to Nanaimo. The best parts of this trip were nostalgic. We took Asher to visit her friends at her old daycare and even got to attend a bowling birthday party! Asher rocks at bowling. It took her a few few tips from her dad however to learn that throwing the ball over her head is not the most effective method.
We took time to hit Asher's favorite playground - Altrusa (at Beban). Also, no trip to Nanaimo would be complete without a visit to the Shady Mile Farm Market. Both Asher and I are hooked on the place. Personally I just love the simplicity of being with all the animals. It helps that the staff there rock and let us hold and touch the animals. My experiences at Shady Mile have helped me decide that I must have a pet goat at some time in my life! Goats have an endless well of personality that they never hesitate to share. I guess I can relate to that!

We also made a trip to Chemainus to see a selection of Robert Munsch plays at the Chemainus Theatre. I think it was the best play I had ever seen. The actors were right into the material and engaged with their hyperactive audience. Nothing can be more inspiring than 70+ kids in one room laughing uncontrolably. Of course Asher really enjoyed this. She was literally on the edge of her seat the whole time. While in Chemainus Carl and I spotted our dream house!

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