Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Today it is Snailing (Asher's word for snow and rain)

I've finally found some time to invest in my blog. It has been very busy the past few months. Surprisingly Christmas was easy, a delight really. We had Christmas eve and morning here in Cumberland with Nannie and Kybor and then later Christmas day we drove to Nanaimo with an overexcited 5 year old in the back seat. We had hoped that she would sleep on the way down but the prospect of Christmas with Amma was just too exciting. We stayed with Amma, Papa, Adrian and Buddy until Papa's birthday. Everyone helped out getting Papa's birthday wish fufilled. I think our fall and winter have been so chaotic mostly because of the unpredictable weather. With power outtages, hurricane winds and all this snowfall (it's snowing right now!) routine became a laughable matter.

I'm looking at going back to work soon. Carl and I have talked about making a move and we are always juggling so many if's, and's or but's that nothing is ever for-sure. Everyone here is looking forward to spring and summer. We miss playing outside! Cabin fever creeps up very fast in a suite so small! Our cats are in heaven as they love having us around! They have made a proffesion of laying about and crawling into the lap of anyone who holds still.Here is Asher's school photo for anyone who hasn't seen it. I love that smile!