Friday, September 15, 2006

I am Woman, Hear Me ... Bake Bread

Every once in a while I am overcome with a delightful sense of femininity. This happened to me over the last couple days. Carl is away working and I am home with Asher, getting her to school and activities. It has been a while since it's been just Asher and I. I am greatly aided by the fact that Asher LOVES going to school and is a much more gregarious child since she started kindergarten.

Asher and I have been baking up a storm, having lovely, quiet meals together and enjoying long visits with my mom. Today I even baked a loaf of bread (mostly because I am very literally broke and needed bread, come to think of it poverty really brings out the best in me) for the first time. While Asher and I sat together with some tea and fresh baked bread with jam I felt unbelievably proud. There really is nothing like creating and caring for your family at the same time. I think this feeling is what was sometimes referred to in older literature as a womans joy being in the home caring for the family. There is truth to that. I worked and schooled constantly for two and a half years and it felt empowering to support my family and build a career. However, it doesn't come close to what I feel when I make my own food, clothes and toys for Asher and I. I really dig that feeling that I've somehow beat commerce. Ha! No consuming goods for this Mama!

In addition to my Bread of Pride above, I've included below some pictures of the past few weeks including Ashers first day at school and her 5th birthday.

Asher on her first day. When we came to pick her up she didn't want to go!

After a grand party at the KidFest in Courtenay, we all headed to Nanaimo to have birthday dinner with Asher Grandparents.

We visited the park one day after Asher's Circus class. It just happened to be the last day the water park would run until next summer! How could we resist!

Sunday, September 03, 2006


Introduding, the One the Only...

with special appearances by Teddy Bear and Daddy